Välkommen till min blogg! Här kommer jag att skriva om sånt som intresserar mig: livet, foto, vänner, familj, sömnad, skriva bok, mode, hälsa, lite dagbok och annat.

Dagens horoskop

Publicerad 2012-11-25 18:52:11 i Dagbok, Horoskop,

Camila darling, you can leave good tread marks today where you communicate with others to remember that you were there. You have the ability to sense where you are needed so that you can share that nurturing side within you, you possess the recipe to see right through someone and it's this that can make you real happy. Follow your urge for something different, it can lead you onto interesting paths.

Dagens horoskop

Publicerad 2012-11-22 12:08:06 i Dagbok, Horoskop,

Camila sweetheart, deep and rewarding conversations can bring lasting results for this week to form something special to your skills. The ability you have to mind read people will give you opportunities that can bring you closer to bigger goals. The more you do yourself the more positive you are and the more you learn. It's wonderful what can come about when two minds think alike. Dreams are easy to come by, you have the luck and determination to succeed where your energy will make a positive difference for your personal projects.


Publicerad 2012-11-19 09:27:38 i Dagbok, Horoskop,

Camila darling, you will soon be in full swing with the changing of moods of those you come into contact with. You can make so much chemistry happen between you and others that it can be absolutely mind blowing. It's a great time of new beginnings with the positive in mind so you can make any challenge look so easy that others will wonder how you do it. You're full of confidence for the new things coming into your daily routine and love will even become extra special for you!


Min profilbild


Bitchibella kommer av att jag tycker det är bra att ha en viss dos av bitchighet i sig. Utan att för den delen bli elak och dryg. Men i dagens samhälle och som kvinna, är det för mig att då stå upp för sig själv och "ta ingen skit" somm Grynet sa ;) Jag gillar: sömnad, människor, att läsa böcker, musik, min söta katt, min galna familj, Ronja Rövardotter, naturen, att fotografera, kläder och smink, havet, att cykla, mysbrallor i soffan, Jack Daniels och en hel del annat...

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